From Durham comes another example of the ease with which politicians give away other people’s money. Durham commissioners voted 4-0 to continue funding Durham Companions even though the group has failed to provide required reports on how it has used its funding. Its grant application “leaves so much to the imagination” according to one commissioner quoted in the Herald-Sun story.
The nonprofit wanted $15,775 from the county. Incredibly, commissioners ignored the group’s flouting of the rules and voted to provide part of the money now, while committing to providing the rest in the spring if Durham Companions files required documentation.
In a revealing comment that illustrates how easy it is to give away other people’s money, Commissioner Joe Bowser, after agreeing lack of documentation is a problem, said this, according to the paper:
“I’m not going to sit here and beat you up over 10,000 little measly dollars with this county when I see them spending big dollars in other places.”
If $10,000 is so “measly,” I suggest the commissioners return it to the taxpayers who worked very hard for it.