While the Scooter Sanders tape is definitely more entertaining when you hear, Greensboro City Manager Mitchell Johnson’s statement, released today, certainly is no more revealing than it was when he read it at last night’s council meeting

Prevailing opinion around here appears to be that last night’s new information isn’t new. That said, ConAlt sums it up nicely:

Mitch may end up being the person least likely to have an agenda in firing Wray, but the least competent person to handle the agenda of people who did. I’m beginning to think that maybe Mitch just had problems processing the information in this case or understanding what he was being told and reached conclusions that weren’t called for. He may have thought he was doing the right thing based on his understanding of the information, but his understanding seems to be flawed.

Agreed. I think everyone pretty much agrees that Johnson certainly hasn’t been competent in managing public opinion. Which provokes the thought that perhaps citizens would have more respect for a public official who kept a tight belt instead of dribbling small doses of information seemingly at random. The public still wouldn’t like it, but they’d still respect it. Kind of like Nixon, right?