New UNCG chancellor Linda Brady has some very interesting credentials, especially her experience with the Departments of State and Defense, where she served from 1978 to 1985.

The N&R’s Doug Clark highlights those credentials, but draws an interesting conclusion:

But what really set her above other candidates was her diplomatic experience in the State and Defense departments during the Carter and Reagan administrations. She was involved in high-level arms-control negotiations with the Soviets and some very sensitive diplomatic initiatives in the Middle East and Pesian Gulf regions. Some of the latter work paved the way for President George H.W. Bush’s ability to forge a multinational coalition in the first Gulf War — back when we dealt with Saddam Hussein in a more intelligent way.

I’ll accept that kicking Saddam Hussein’s ass out of Kuwait was an intelligent way of dealing with him. But please —- I know I’m belaboring the point —- read War and Decision. Having read it, I’ll submit that the W. Bush administration attempted to deal with Saddam in as intelligent manner as possible. The problem was Saddam just didn’t want to be dealt with in an intelligent manner.

Funny, dictators and tyrants are like that.