I’ve spent more time at the Greensboro Children’s Museum than I care to admit, comforting myself with the fact that it was privately supported.
That’s about to change:
Dealing with annual operating deficits in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and finding fund-raising difficult, the Greensboro Children’s Museum is looking for money from the city.
The decade-old downtown museum, which recently announced plans for an expansion, is asking for $500,000 annually.
…..City Council members didn’t offer any commitments, but generally sounded positive notes about the museum.
“We all know what a great asset the museum is for Greensboro,” Mayor Yvonne Johnson said.
“I think we’re very willing to begin to look.”
Councilman Robbie Perkins said that the museum might need to come under city ownership and make other fundamental changes.
This comes just as the 99 Blocks front-pager on the museum’s planned expansion hits the streets:
Of course they have to pay for it all. The final price tag hasn’t been configured, but it could be around $5 million. That’s just an educated guess for now. Ahead lies a campaign to raise the money, but that won’t begin until sometime next year.
Looks like it’s already started.