Prior to the Asheville City Council retreat, Councilman Cecil Bothwell published eleven goals, which were printed in the Mountain Xpress. In short, they are:
- Publicly-financed elections, in which a candidate’s ability to raise money will be matched by taxpayer contributions to his opponent(s).
- Differential water rates, which would rid Asheville of unfair legislation preventing it from doing what all other cities with water systems can.
- A “robust regional transportation plan” to demonstrate enough cars will be removed from the roads to cancel the DOT’s plans, for years postponed by environmentalists, to widen I-26.
- No more downtown parking spaces.
- Shrunken fuel budgets for city departments.
- A simplified the UDO in presentation with no call for relief from unreasonable demands.
- A revolving loan system for retrofits.
- Asheville to become a sanctuary city for persons from other countries lacking legal paperwork.
- Legal prostitution.
- Decriminalized drugs.
- Empowered public housing residents, through other means than drug legalization.