If all that could be said and done about events with power to change peoples lives has been said and done, one thing with which newspaper editors fill pages is public appearances by famous people. Whatever they say is quoteworthy. Today, for example, Governor Beverly Perdue spoke in Asheville. Granted, it is commendable that Perdue acknowledges the existence of the western part of the state, since some feel her predecessor did not. Nonetheless, Perdue is quoted for telling people in WNC that government will create jobs, and that the economy is getting better. Measures government intends to take include making it easier for small businesses to get government contracts, and making more taxpayer dollars available for the tourist industry. Once again, if government subsidy was good for economies, it would have shown success by now. A growing segment of the population believes economies are sustained by industry, and not government taking money from successful industries to spray about to fund programs to teach people how to write business plans. Said segment also refuses to believe an elected official’s authority gives her word alone power to turn higher unemployment rates into less unemployment, no matter how charming she be nor how well she shakes hands.
by Leslee Kulba
Wild West blogger