Greensboro News & Recordreports the Greensboro-area Metropolitan Planning Organization voted to “boost the budget” by $4 million to widen U.S. 70 in guilford County to accommodate a planned Publix distribution center:
Among other benefits, the 1.2-mile highway project will help serve the Publix development, said Mike Mills, a division engineer with the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
The planned widening is now in the land-buying phase with construction expected to be completed in about four years at a cost of just less than $8.3 million. The distribution center has a 2022 target date.
When asked by MPO member Tammi Thurm, who also sits on the Greensboro City Council, why the price tag was going up so much, Mills said estimates sometimes change as planners finalize their designs.
“This is a more refined estimate,” Mills said.
Seems as though when estimates for government work are “refined,” they always go up—never down.