Lest we be too concerned that a U.S. Census Bureau report released yesterday ranked NC 40th in per pupil spending, we should recall (once again!) that interstate cost of living differences may account for much of the apparent discrepancies, and funding isn’t the be-all and end-all of education.
The Raleigh News & Observer, approached the governor’s advisor, Dan Gerlach, for comment:
“The state’s low ranking does not reflect the quality of education, said Dan Gerlach, senior adviser for fiscal affairs at the Governor’s Office.”
That’s right, Dan, school performance can stink at any level of expenditure. Just look at the performance of areas like D.C. (the perennial bad-boy of education spending, ineptitude, and disgrace).
What we want is low spending and high performance. After all, what corporation would report with pride that it’s costs were the highest in the industry? Why, in education, do we check the brain cells at the door on this one? No one, no one in any other industry would seriously attempt to weed out inefficiency by dumping money or credentials indiscriminately into the business. The stockholders would revolt and toss them from the tower–with gusto!
How about we stop worrying about teachers and their “condition,” arbitrarily equalizing spending without taking into account cost of living differences (in-state and across states), and finally, finally, finally pay some attention to how the kids are performing? The Charlatans have dissembled ad nauseum, and need to be deposed, and stripped of all their gelt. Instead of asking the culprits to reform themselves (are we kidding?), let’s wake up and stop giving them the benefit of the doubt.
There is no doubt.