Rep. Howard Coble’s statement opposing deployment of 20,000 additional troops to Iraq:
Mr. Speaker, I oppose deploying 20,000 additional troops to Iraq. Oh, if you oppose the surge the troops will be demoralized, we’re told. The five D words will be prominently exposed this week, as my friend just mentioned: Debate, Dialogue, Discipline, Deliberation, and Democracy.
The troop morale will be adversely affected because we’re involved with these disciplines? I think not. I believe they would more readily be demoralized if we were willy-nilly, rubber-stamping every issue confronting us.
I approved of removing Sadaam Hussein because, it is my belief, and I continue to believe it is the general consensus of this Congress that Sadaam was indeed an international terrorist. I regret that we were inept in formulating a post-entry strategy. I’m not convinced that any particular strategy was ever in place.
Meanwhile, John Edwards says “we need to end this war.” I have to admit I’m puzzled by all the ‘end the war’ talk both by Edwards and fellow candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, because I think it’s been established by both sides of the issue that the war will continue whether U.S. troops are in Iraq or not.