I attended a meeting of Liberty Asheville tonight. The group wants smaller government, but is despondent about prospects. Organizing, branding, raising awareness, networking, etc. is but foot-dragging.

Government is, as mountain folk would say, “a figment,” created by the consent of the governed, yet it moves under its own force. Individuals can speak during public comment portions of local meetings, and they get blank stares without the courtesy of an answer. People can write letters to Congressmen, but the Congressmen will vote as they please, regardless of how many letters they get for either side. The prospect of training lobbyists came up, but lobbyists usually advocate for us or them, but not for justice. People can make persuasive arguments, but the opposition can distort their words as they please.

A more traditional tack of grooming candidates was considered, but they would have a hard time of succeeding without moneyed party backing. Good guys who get elected either play the games for some gains or irrelevantly cast their opposition votes.

And so I ask you, Dear Reader, how have you successfully instigated government roll-backs?