Arts and Science Council honchos Claude Lilly and Lee Keesler doubtless mean well, but as long as ASC is handing out over $50K to Charlotte Trolley and $47K to Winghaven each year it is rather hard to argue that the arts in Charlotte are hurting for money.

Those two organizations are not exactly core art groups, nor are they incapable of raising more money from the fans of their relatively narrow focus. More to the point, more and more fans of the arts in Charlotte seem to be coming around to the view that giving to the ASC is not exactly the same as supporting the arts and that were one interested in supporting a particular art form in Charlotte, the best way to do that is to contribute directly to that organization or artist.

We shall see if this disconnect grows or shrinks as the new arts venues come online in Charlotte and Spirit Square is dismantled and handed over to developers.