February is shaping up to be a hellacious month for Carolina politicians.

Not only did Andrew Young’s expos? on John Edwards come out, but Jenny Sanford, wife of former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, released a book that gives the low down on their tumultuous marriage and his affair with a woman from Argentina.

The Los Angeles Times has an early review:

The former first lady, a one-time investment banker with Lazard Fr?res, is smart, focused and very angry. For all the pious references to forgiveness stitched throughout the narrative, revenge is a barely concealed subtext.

And revenge she gets, but there’s a good bit of collateral damage in what’s just as obviously unintended self-revelation. In fact, by the time we get to the affair late in the book, it’s a bit of a relief, since this is about the first normative impulse either of the Sanfords seems to have had during their marriage.