Another reliably left-wing local column appeared in The News & Observer this morning, this one extolling the virtues of collectivism.

The author, who recently wrote a column bragging about how he sponges off other people’s car-care knowledge just so he can interact socially, goes on today about “co-housing,” a crackpot European fad found mostly in Denmark. From what I’ve read about them, there should be signs saying, “Individuals need not apply.”

It sounds a lot like the hippie communes of the ’60s, only at this one you have a mortgage. There’s lots of talk about consensus, love, help, and stuff lefties get off on, like this:

The Common House simmered with aromas from a bounty of delicious foods, and conversation streamed across the tables. After the meal, Bobbie sang a song, Carol read a poem, and Martha shared her appreciation for Luisa and Badi, the mother and father to be.

Can’t you just feel the good vibes, man?

The author maintains this is not a utopia, just a community, but mostly it sounds like a perfect environment for free riders, those who like when others carry the load. That’s what always happens. Even the Puritans Pilgrims couldn’t make collectivism work.

UPDATE: Leslee, our western N.C. blogger, points to another recent outbreak of collectivism:

In just a few minutes, a “collective of independent media” people “of every stripe” will be getting together for some “alchemy” over pizza and beer.

And she wonders:

… since I only know of two conservative bloggers in town, if this isn’t an effort to organize a Democrat agenda.

Leslee, I have a rule. Anytime a person uses partner as a verb, I assume left-wingedness.