Here’s a letter from a Wall Street Journal reader commenting on the strange quiet of NY Attorney General Eliot Spitzer on the illegal transit strike:

Spitzer, Where Art Thou?
Yesterday you presented a clear analysis of the militancy behind New York City’s transit strike (“A Taste of Paris,” Review & Outlook, and “What Would Reagan Do?” by Steven Malanga, Business World).

One point, however, needs further emphasis: Strikes by public employees are prohibited under New York State’s Taylor Law. And New York State has as its chief law enforcement officer Attorney General Elliot Spitzer, a prosecutor of relentless zeal, unlimited resources and possessed of an almost extrasensory ability to detect wrongdoing. I thought Mr. Spitzer would’ve have thrown Roger Toussaint and the rest of the TWU Local 100 leadership in jail by now.

Maybe he just couldn’t make it in to work this week.

Michael Garrett
Montclair, N.J.

Could it be that Mr. Spitzer isn’t interested in enforcing laws that could cost him political support?