Once every couple of years, one stumbles upon a brilliant newspaper article This one, by Gary Glancy of BlueRidgeNow.com, illustrates the tangible change in ambiance across the Buncombe-Henderson County line. It begins:

Henderson County commissioners have voted for the time being to reject participation in a federally funded Sustainable Communities initiative, after the man they appointed to represent the county reported to the board that it is a “rigged, despicable and costly project.”

In short, GroWNC is a program that received $1.6 million from the federal government to help five counties plan and vision how they would develop the next Utopia. In a report to his peers, Commissioner Larry Rogers described the working groups for the Sustainable Communities initiative as environmentalists and extreme environmentalists from Asheville, who are pushing a social agenda.

”Gentlemen, that is the most rigged group of screws I have ever seen in my life,” Rogers said. “They must think we’re brain-dead.”

The last comment referred to the autonomy the county would lose by submitting to the regional collective.

Click here for the full story. Click many times if you want to boost its Google ranking.