I always enjoy the letters published in the Wall Street Journal that refute, rebuke, and humiliate the Journal’s lefty columnist Thomas Frank. Frank is a smarmy ignoramus whose act of regurgitating socialistic slogans about the awfulness of the free market is tedious in the extreme.

In today’s paper, there’s a letter to savor. Read to the end for a great slogan.

Stop Treading on Us Taxpayers

Thomas Frank should ask himself whether he really believes that financial crises can be prevented or controlled by more government regulation (“Please Tread on Us,” Tilting Yard, April 21). Aren’t these the same people who have “regulated” Social Security and Medicare into trillions of dollars of debt? When he discusses the financial crisis that now, more than ever, threatens to sink the entire economy in a sea of debt, his unwillingness to even acknowledge the flagrant irresponsibility of the ruling class, i.e., the government, in causing the crisis is remarkable.

Banks and insurance companies are already our most government-controlled industries. What is needed is someone to “regulate” the government so that no laws will ever again be passed that require banks to lend billions to prospective home-buyers who do not qualify as good quality risks. As Ronald Reagan said, government is the problem.

And what is this hatred Mr. Frank has for the tea partiers? I have attended several tea parties and can tell you that while most attendees do indeed distrust government intervention, their main gripe is the incredible debt that progressives like Mr. Frank have so blithely incurred for this and succeeding generations. One sign held up by a young child said it all: “No Child Left a Dime.”

George Neiiendam

Costa Mesa, Calif.