I won’t rant and rave, I’ll just lay it out and leave it open for individual interpretation:

Developer asks the City of Greensboro for a $100,000 forgivable loan for a five-story, mixed-use downtown building;

City Council approves financing agreement to replace city reserves forked over for the Canada Dry property;*

City lines up for fed money for projects such as hybrid buses, sidewalk construction, roof replacements and — the two beauties —- renovations to the War Memorials — Stadium and Auditorium. Fed funding for the auditorium would spare Coliseum director Matt Brown the trouble of coming up with a less-expensive alternative to the $50 million ‘replacement facility’ that voters rejected in November.

There it is — do with it what you will.

*Loyal reader passes along a little tune for N&R editor John Robinson, beneficiary by marriage of the Canada Dry sale.