Do Supreme Court justices take the oath to “faithfully uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States”? If so, you’d never know it. At least 4 (and five sometimes, depending on what side of the bed Anthony Kennedy woke up on) seem hell bent on destroying the Bill of Rights. Check out Justice Stephen Breyer’s flip-flop reasoning that seems aimed at propping up left-wing, socialist, collective societal goals:

When the culture wars pointed one way, Justice Breyer thought that a “risk” of a “potentially harmful” adverse result was enough to strike the law down. When the culture wars pointed in the other direction, so did the burden of proof: now Justice Breyer must have his “confidence” in the reasonableness of the legislature “convincingly” “destroyed” before he would vote to strike down the law.

Question: What do the Constitution, The Federalist Papers or any other founding documents say citizens should do about a rogue Supreme Court that actively works to destroy our freedoms? It’s clear we dodged a bullet on the Heller ruling, but we shouldn’t expect to get that lucky many more times.