While The Charlotte Observer is filling the role of apologist for Bob Etheridge, The Gaston Gazette gets it right on. The Observer‘s editorial page should pay attention:
The response by Etheridge to a rather innocuous question posed on a city sidewalk is not only inexcusable but puzzling. Nothing in his history of public service indicates a penchant for such histrionics. And even though the questioner should have identified himself as any professional or ethical journalist would, the proper response by an elected official would be to either answer the question or offer a polite wave and keep on walking, as politicians have done for decades.
That Etheridge took the worst possible course may be an indicator that the toxic atmosphere in Washington is continuing to reach new levels. In his apology on Monday, Etheridge said he has always tried to be respectful of all points of view but added that, ?No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response. I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse.?
Ultimately, actions speak louder than words, Congressman.
The Observer should have deep-sixed its own editorial and reprinted this one. The purpose was never to be fair, though, but to shill for a mainstay of North Carolina’s Democratic establishment.