Hillsborough Town Manager Eric Peterson is stunned by news of unprofessional and unethical behavior by town employees.

The Herald-Sun reports Peterson is calling the incident — which has resulted in the town withdrawing from a police accreditation program — “a major screw-up” and “a train wreck.” A 2,000-page report shows that employees who were supposed to be in charge of the accreditation program were actually surfing the Internet and conducting a for-profit business on town timeapparently for years. Said Peterson:

“I repeatedly ask the question, ‘What have these people been doing for the past three years?'”

I’ll leave it to police experts to decide whether such an accreditation is valuable. My focus is on the administrative debacle that has occurred at taxpayer expense.

Thus, my question is: What has the town manager been doing for the past three years?

Hillsborough residents, it’s your tax dollars at work.