This article is about Australia, but it could just as well be about the U.S. My neighborhood seems a living monument to vanishing maleness. Cub and Boy Scout membership is dwindling because moms think it’s to militaristic, and their husbands don’t have the cojones to object. Buying The Dangerous Book for Boys is pretty much a hate crime in Trinity Park. And God forbid that your kid is interested in a helmet sport like football or lacrosse when metrosexual soccer is available.

When it comes down to the licklog, lefties are to blame, as they usually are for societal calamity:

Green consciousness, meanwhile, has sucked the heroism from the cowboy ethos, which depends on an oppositional, rather than nurturing, view of nature. Pluralism and multiculturalism have legitimised weakness and difference, undermining the old brawn-based hierarchy. And feminism says women can do pretty much anything, even though it’s clearly not the case.