Sumantra Maitra highlights for the Federalist a new organization hoping to play a role in the debate over future U.S. foreign policy.
John Quincy Adams is having a moment of renewal in America. The sixth U.S. president was instrumental in shaping America’s grand strategy, yet is not considered a staple in university curricula today.
The Monroe Doctrine, enunciated by James Monroe, was originally authored by Quincy Adams as secretary of state. It bears a simple, realist logic: America will defend her interests primarily in the Western hemisphere, and stay away from utopian and idealistic endeavors abroad. …
… The Quincy Institute is characterized as a Federalist Society for foreign policy that is helping form a brains-trust for the post-Trump world.
Last month I met Dr. Stephen Wertheim, one of the founders of the Quincy Institute. This new think tank, which is still in its formative months, is determined to provide new thinking in the sclerotic DC foreign policy establishment and to be genuinely bipartisan.
“Some of us at Quincy identify as realists in the International Relations sense of the term. But not all of us do, and we welcome people of any political and intellectual orientation who agree that the United States should practice diplomatic engagement and military restraint going forward in the 21st century,” Wertheim told me. “Speaking for myself, I’m happy to reclaim liberal internationalism—a cause that once centered on peace, cooperation, and reciprocity, but has become a justification for U.S. military hegemony.”