Although this is old news, it is interesting enough to merit our attention and maybe even speculation. In Oregon, citizens recently passed Measure 37, which gives certain land-holding citizens the right to receive compensation for land value lost due to zoning restrictions.

I believe a hear the faint cry of the Who’s down in Whoville, celebrating the release of their usurped freedom. Yet, before we open-up a gargantuan can of Who-hash and celebrate, we must remember that the specifics of Measure 37 have yet to be decided upon. It is most certainly the case that a serious cost-benefit analysis will be taking place in Oregon before the inaction of the philosophy behind Measure 37.

Relevant issues to keep in mind: the fate of current urban planning strategies in Oregon; deciding which landholders qualify for compensation and how compensation will be determined; and of course, my personal favorite, the nation-wide implications of the measure (driven by its success or failure).