The Big Conqueror

Somehow, despite my natural interest in the subject matter, I missed the initial run of the History Channel?s ?Alexander the Great? film last fall. The three-hour piece was obviously tied to the release of the feature film, which was made by Oliver Stone and therefore (presumably) unwatchable.

But the other night, I taped it (couldn?t watch it live, of course, as a ?Justice League Unlimited? episode featuring Captain Marvel was on Cartoon Network). I sure am glad I did. It is a marvelous biographical treatment: a mixture of images, reenactments, computer animations of major battles, and interviews with actors portraying the four ancient historians who wrote significant accounts of Alexander?s life. That last device sounds hokey, I know, but it works.

If and when the History Channel shows ?Alexander the Great? again, I highly recommend it. And, of course, for anyone who still possesses a VCR ? the technology is based on spools of magnetic tape, for you youngsters in the Locker Room ? my copy is available for leisurely viewing for appropriate compensation.

Couple of less-historical Greats duke it out