While the Democrats in the General Assembly continue their little inter-party debate about how best to bilk taxpayers out of an additional billion dollars, they already seemed to have solved the budget problem. According to today’s Winston Salem Journal, reporting on reauthorization to keep the government funded:

The so-called continuing resolution has no expiration date…If legislators can’t conclude a deal on spending — or if Perdue can’t sign on to a deal — the governor would have the constitutional duty to keep spending within the budget levels that the legislature set for the foreseeable future.

In other words, here’s their chance to pack it up and go home for the session with no tax increase and a state government that is still up and running. And, to top it off, since the citizens would be much happier, they would probably be increasing their chances of getting reelected in 2010. But of course to leave town without a tax increase would miss the point, now wouldn’t it?