No need for the long intro this time (you can find it at the previous entries on chicken-poop power and wood power), but I will reiterate the Henry Grady Weaver quote:

We have moved from backbreaking drudgery into the modern age of power, substituting steam, electricity, and gasoline for the brawn of man; and today the nuclear physicist is taking over and finding ways of subduing to human uses the infinitessimally tiny atom ? tapping a new source of power so vast that it bids fair to dwarf anything that has gone before.

Posted on Drudge today, news from Sweden:

Stockholm’s bunnies burned to keep Swedes warm

The bodies of thousands of rabbits culled every year from the parks in Stockholm?s Kungsholmen neighbourhood are being used to fuel a heating plant in central Sweden.

The decision to use Stockholm?s rabbit cadavers as bioenergy to warm Swedes living in V?rmland doesn’t sit well with Stockholm-based animal rights activists. …

At least this time there’s no North Carolina link.

But still, I hesitated to post this for fear that the local wind-power advocates would seize on the idea. I could just see them promoting burning the carcasses of all those birds killed by the giant turbines as a way of getting around wind power’s slaughterhouses-in-the-sky problem and its backup generation problem.