If you have some drive-time or extra time on the beach to listen to audio recordings, here is the one I recommend. The Mises Institute offers audio lectures by Thomas Woods based on his Politically Incorrect Guide, affectionally called the PIG book. As they say, the winners get to write the history and high school civics textbooks were written by Progressives to advance the Progressive agenda. Woods provides a strong antidote to the biased history that most of us learned in high school and college.
You can download free from the Mises Institute or to your iPod from the iTunes Store. Click on “iTunes U” at the top of the page then click on “Beyond Campus” and then “Mises Institute.”
The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History: Lecture Series
Thomas E. Woods, Jr., senior fellow in history at the Mises Institute,
presents this eight-lecture course covering the material in his book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History. Presented to the Auburn University Academy for Lifelong Learners, and hosted at the Mises Institute.