You know, I can think of few perks for a government commission position better than being flown on a junket to Ireland for

a six-day trip to meet with Irish distillery representatives and attend golf’s Ryder Cup.

Now, officials stress that no state money was used. But kudos for the reporter (Mark Johnson of the Charlotte Observer) for printing this:

North Carolina is one of 18 “control” states in which government controls liquor sales. In noncontrol states, liquor companies must compete for shelf space. Control states tend to treat products the same, which is why smaller distilleries, such as several in Ireland, wanted to meet with N.C. officials, Fox said.

“The small companies have an opportunity to come and make a presentation on why they’d like us to list their product in North Carolina,” Fox said. “It’s more fair to them.”

Not being able to compete in a free market, but having to court bureaucrats — that’s fair? Whew, Mr. Fox, I believe you’ve had enough!