Editors at Issues and Insights pan one of the Biden administration’s latest bad ideas.
In the same way our “superiors” think that their food comes from the grocery store rather than a farm or ranch, they must believe that those items magically appear on the shelves. Otherwise, why would the ruling class, made up of and zealously backed by elites, go to war against trucks?
Just before Christmas, the Biden Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule that it calls a “key step toward accelerating zero-emissions future,” and part of “the historic Clean Truck Plan, which is moving America’s highly polluting heavy-duty trucking fleet towards low-carbon and electric technologies.”
Enforcement of course will mean fewer trucks on the road. For many drivers, the cost of working under the new regime will be too high.
“Truckers and manufacturers warn that the rule is too stringent and costly, and that compliance could send higher prices through the economy that is already suffering from high energy costs and high inflation,” says the Institute for Energy Research.
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association warns that “if small business truckers can’t afford the new, compliant trucks,” they will keep their older, less-efficient trucks, or simply “leave the industry entirely.”
Fewer trucks will force shipping prices higher, which will cause retail prices to rise. But the ruling class doesn’t care. Its snobbish members don’t see the poor whose grocery bills will take up an even larger portion of their meager incomes. Nor do they want to think about truckers, whom they look down on as grubby flyover peasants, even though truckers move to market everything from non-GMO greens to high-end yoga pants that the elites don’t want to live without.
Never resting in its quest to make life more difficult for the masses, the ruling class has also targeted home appliances.