Last week, I wrote about a News & Record article that failed to identify Todd Warren as a teacher with strong ties to the radical left.

This week, Mr. Warren, a teacher at Guilford Elementary School, has an idea about how to “practice non-compliance to build power and agency in ways that are clearly allied with our parents and benefit our students.”  His “creative” idea is to encourage truancy and activism by minors.

But I don’t blame Mr. Warren.

The Organize 2020 folks are getting desperate because their parent organization, the NC Association of Educators (NCAE), has been so ineffective.  Indeed, Mr. Warren seeks to build power and agency because NCAE officials squandered what little they had soon after Republicans became the majority in the General Assembly following the 2010 elections.

Anyway, let’s head to the Organize 2020 Facebook page for the details.

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One more thing.  It appears that he wrote this Facebook post during school hours.