Another fascinating comment from Vice President Joe Biden, who seems to be the Campaigner in Chief these days. Mr. Biden says the American people just don’t get it. From Bloomberg: (emphasis is mine)

Biden, in the interview, called Republican criticism “phony” and said the Labor Department report “shows how wrong they were” in limiting assistance for states. He said more jobs would have been created if Republicans had approved an additional $150 billion originally in the stimulus and the creation of an infrastructure bank.

Democrats aren’t running on the administration’s accomplishments like health-care and financial-regulatory overhaul and the stimulus because “it’s just too hard to explain,” Biden said. “It sort of a branding, I mean you know they kind of want the branding more at the front end.”

The reality is this: the policies imposed by this administration have stifled economic recovery and grown government, the deficit, and the national debt to historic and staggering levels. The majority of Americans are alarmed — at the very least, concerned — by the policies they’ve seen enacted over the past two years. If Mr. Biden and other progressives were truly proud of their policies, they would be shouting about them at every opportunity. They’re not. And it’s NOT because “it’s just too hard to explain.” It is because their policies represent the view of the minority, not the majority.