75-year-old Gloria Steinem, poster girl for 1960s-style liberal feminism, was in Chapel Hill to promote a film about domestic violence and made this ridiculous statement about politics.

Seventy-five percent of all women murdered by a domestic partner are killed either in the attempt to leave, or after they leave. It is women who take a stand against abuse of themselves, and their families, that are at highest risk.

“This is because they [the women] are getting out of control,” explained Steinem. “[The abuser’s] whole identity depends on control. They are most dangerous when they feel that someone is about to escape.

And I would say, incidentally,” she continued, “that the same thing is true of this country. We no longer have a majority support for Wall Street, for the wars we are engaged in. … So the people in this country who are obsessed with control – I’m sure there are some on the left, but they seem to be mostly on the right – are more dangerous now because we are escaping. So you see more militaristic groups going up, more guns being bought, people with assault weapons in the street. I think that paradigm holds for the country as well.”

Ms. Steinem evidently has never heard of central planning, TARP, executive pay caps, cap and tax, or the current push by government to take over a huge chunk of the U.S. economy via health care “reform.”

Policies of control are the bread and butter of Ms. Steinem and others on the Left. Policies of freedom, free markets, and personal responsibility are the hallmarks of the Right.

Not only is Ms. Steinem wrong about who it is that wants control of our lives, her comments cheapened a legitimate message of concern about domestic violence.