The American Federation for Children (AFC) released its annual school choice poll. Overall, it shows that school choice is popular among most subgroups. According to the poll, support is particularly strong in the African American and Latino communities. Here are a few items of note:
School choice support overall:
“Generally speaking, would you say you favor or oppose the concept of school choice? School choice gives parents the right to use the tax dollars designated for their child’s education to send their child to the public or private school which best serves their needs.”
Total: 69%
-African Americans – 68%
-Latinos – 82%
-Millennials – 71%
-Democratic Primary – 48%
-Republican Primary – 82%
Education Freedom Scholarships proposal:
“The Education Freedom Scholarship is a federal scholarship tax credit that allows individuals and businesses to donate to in-state non-profit scholarship granting organizations that would provide scholarships for students to attend public, private, or career and technical schools of their choice.”
Total support: 78% (+9 from last year)
-African Americans – 83%
-Latinos – 83%
-Millennials – 78%
-Democratic Primary – 67%
-Republican Primary – 77%
Presidential candidates attacking charter schools:
“If a candidate for President wanted to eliminate all federal public charter school funding would that make you more likely or less likely to vote for them?”
Total Less Likely: 58%
-African Americans – 62%
-Latinos – 65%
-Millennials – 60%
-Democratic Primary – 56%
-Republican Primary – 59%