Most of you will probably remember in February that the New York Times ran an article that cited examples of homosexual behavior in animals, including apes, in which scientists posited that it is natural for humans to be gay:

“This growing body of science has been increasingly drawn into charged debates about homosexuality in American society, on subjects from gay marriage to sodomy laws, despite reluctance from experts in the field to extrapolate from animals to humans. Gay groups argue that if homosexual behavior occurs in animals, it is natural, and therefore the rights of homosexuals should be protected.”

Well, we now have proof that animals are capable of sexual “non”-behavior: abstinence. Chaka, a 380-pound silverback gorilla that had been known as the “best stud muffin” at Cincinnati’s zoo, lost all interest in lady primates when he was transferred to the Philadelphia Zoo. After five years he never showed interest in Demba, whose biological clock has now been deemed expired.

Chaka fathered eight little apes while in Cincinnati. Maybe he believed mating with Demba was adultery.