Thomas Lifson uses an American Thinker column to explore the possibility that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid is not the insurgency it purports to be.
Bernie Sanders has assembled a campaign of true believers in the left, who take his rhetoric seriously. But the candidate himself, when offered the opportunity to go for the jugular against the establishment’s chosen instrument, Hillary Clinton, has repeatedly backed off, raising the possibility he is nothing but a sham opponent. It would make sense for the Hillary forces, aware of anti-establishment discontent, to secretly want someone to capture the support of the far left wing of the Democratic Party, and then gracefully lose to her, uniting at the convention without ever raising deep questions about her integrity, as with those “damn emails.”
Is there a split developing between sham opponent Bernie Sanders and his true believer campaign staff?
Hunter Walker, of left-leaning Yahoo News, has been talking, on and off the record, with key members of the Sanders campaign, and discovers some very dark thoughts among them. …
… Of course the danger to the Clinton campaign, should these suspicions grow, is that lefties will stay home next November. It is their enthusiasm that is necessary to power the turnout drives that get casual voters to the polls to cancel out the votes of well-informed citizens.