Kyle Perisic of the Daily Caller explains how challenges the social media behemoths Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

Few platforms have challenged the virtual monopolies of Facebook, Google and Twitter, and they have crushed nearly all competitors. But what makes Facebook, Google, and Twitter weak is where challengers see potential.

The three tech companies have come under fire for their data collection, privacy, and censorship policies. Together, they control almost the everything users see on the Internet. Almost.

In balancing transparency and privacy, blockchain aims to change the way social media operates. No major social media platform utilizes blockchain except Minds. …

… While lawmakers struggle to decide how best to handle platforms that censor voices for their political views, whether through regulation or declaring them public utilities, millions of users are leaving them entirely. Some of them are going to Minds. …

… What makes Minds different is its transparency, [CEO Bill] Ottman explained. Anyone can look at how Minds functions and see that it’s not spying on it users. The platform is a hybrid between decentralized and centralized network. Ottman says decentralized networks are the future.

“Minds’ foundational principles — privacy, transparency, free speech — are essential. All of our code is open source, meaning anyone can look at it. Some alternatives are not open sourced,” Ottman said. “If you’re not going to give your community the software code how can you expect to be transparent? You have to show that the software is not spying on you.”