We’re all well aware of the PC craze that is slowly dying a silent
death. But, what we might not be aware of is how this death is
occurring. I think I have it figured out. It’s asphyxiation caused by
the very obesity of the issue: PC by its very nature is

The PC movement attempts to destroy barriers in society by eliminating
“offensive” classifications. But the classifications, no matter what
diction is chosen, are still present. It’s just natural to group all
sensations into packages of similarities, and this includes groups of

As the PC movement blossomed (or festered, rather), the craze extended
outwards, consuming any issue that attempted to divide. There was
gender, sexuality, and of course the every present race card. But, now
that many people are realizing that we can’t escape classifications, no
matter how all-inclusive we try to be, the medical field may be showing
us that there really is something important about being different.

Despite the fact that there is evidence supporting the claim that there
are racially specific drugs,
people are still worried that by isolating one group, we may finally
let the PC craze die in peace. I can’t wait to see people argue over
the divisiveness of race-based drugs.