Here’s what one of North Carolina’s fine professional educators, a teacher at Holly Springs High School in Wake County, has to say about the John Locke Foundation’s assessment of teacher bonuses. (Warning: objectionable language)

It is too easy to obtain? It has become an entitlement? Are you working for 32,000 [sic] a year buddy? I work my ass off 60-70 hours per week to make my school the best it can possibly do [sic]. I go above and beyond every day to help my students. You sit there with your cush [sic] salary working for a “think tank” and pretend like [sic] you know about education? If you knew anything outside [sic] of a textbook you would not make a total ass of yourself publicly by spewing ignorant filth in the newspaper. I will be forwarding your name and contact information to NCAE and every teacher that I know. Get a clue you moron. You are an embarrasment [sic] to society. Think tank my ass.