Puppet Shows that Make a Difference!

Faculty:  Dr. Deborah Thomson (School of Communication)


Seminar Description: In this ECU Honors seminar, students will prepare and

present puppet shows to share healthy eating messages with children across

Pitt County. During the first half of the semester students will master the

art of puppetry using large child-sized puppets. During the second half of

the semester students will travel to after school programs to perform their

puppet shows.  Students will learn about communication, teamwork,

leadership, community engagement, and service-learning in addition to

learning the puppetry skills needed for public performance. Because the

course depends on mastery of puppetry skills, plan to spend considerable

time each week rehearsing alone and in groups in addition to completing

readings and other course assignments. Come to class each day in comfortable

clothes and with a good attitude. Expect to learn on your feet through

rehearsal and performance. Even those who have never performed before can

master the art of puppetry if they bring to the task an open mind, a playful

spirit, and a willingness to do the hard work it takes to become stage



This is probably a very rigorous course. If a student’s puppet were to say that eating Twinkies is all right, that would no doubt earn the student an F.

Hat tip: Jay Schalin