In Britain, 20 percent of kids think Winston Churchill was a fictional character. Sheesh!

UPDATE: More on the problem in the U.S., this one about the “ideological illiteracy” that results when teachers focus on all the wrong things, such as race-class-gender diversity but never the diversity of political ideas:

What if our schoolteachers spent more time encouraging us to understand and celebrate this diversity of world views, rather than harping on differences in gender and race that they hypocritically tell us we ought not to be noticing at all? We would better understand why we hold the political beliefs that we do and be more capable of developing views on unfamiliar topics. We would also be less likely to label our opponents as naïve, stupid, mean, evil, or morally deficient, understanding that they just hold what we consider to be misguided premises regarding how the world works. We could engage in more civil discussions, and perhaps more frequently participate in Jefferson’s preferred process to get to the truth – a multitude of voices competing in a freewheeling marketplace of ideas.