Patrick Howley reports for the Daily Caller about recent Internal Revenue Service spending.
While you’re busting your butt to pay the Internal Revenue Service, your friends at the IRS are in the middle of a wild spending spree.
The Daily Caller obtained a letter that Senate Finance Committee chairman Sen. Orrin Hatch sent to IRS commissioner John Koskinen Tuesday that revealed a bunch of insane purchases the IRS recently made, including a few million dollars in office furniture on the eve of the end of the fiscal year (when agencies have to spend the rest of their budget or else face budget cuts the next year).
Hatch snarkily gave Koskinen some suggestions of spending items the IRS could cut in order to better balance its agency budget, citing a federal spending database and inspector general reports:
1) $4.3 million spent on “market research” and “public opinion” polling;
2) Over $8,000 spent on a “fitness equipment stair climber;”
3) Thousands of dollars spent on “decorative and give-a way items,” such as plush animals, toy footballs, and “kazoos, bathtub toy boats, and Thomas the Tank Engine rubber wristbands, for managers’ meetings.”; and
4) Nearly $4 million spent on office furniture
Lesson learned, IRS? Don’t get a stairmaster around Orrin Hatch if there’s a chance to actually…TAKE THE STAIRS.