My op-ed was published today in the Wilmington Star-News on the issue of forced annexation.

Here are what the critics have said about the op-ed:

“The must-read op-ed of the summer” 
— Daren’s Mom*

“It takes us to emotional places that are rare in an op-ed.  Both touching and funny. 
— Daren’s imaginary friend “Wilbur”*

“A true thrill ride!  They just don’t write op-eds like this anymore. 
— Daren

I do want to highlight one point that I brought up in the op-ed. The counties also deserve some criticism, not just the municipalities:

Municipalities and their League support bad annexation ideas. But
they get too much blame in debates about the annexation issue. After
all, it is difficult to give up voluntarily the power that allows them
to annex with few legal obstacles.

County commissioners, though,
have no such excuse. They have watched as municipalities have trampled
on the rights of their constituents in unincorporated areas. After a
half century of ignoring their own constituents, it is time for
counties finally to step up. If they don’t, annexation reformers should
blame them as much as the municipalities.

*”We in no way made these statements.” – Daren’s Mom and Wilbur