The petty press has uncovered yet another thing about Pres. Bush that should concern every American: the man likes to talk about the Oval Office rug!

For whatever reason, Bush seems fixated on his rug. Virtually all visitors to the Oval Office find him regaling them about how it was chosen and what it represents. Turns out, he always says, the first decision any president makes is what carpet he wants in his office. As a take-charge leader, he then explains, he made a command decision ? he delegated to Laura Bush, who chose a yellow sunbeam design. …

“You know an interesting story about the rug?” he asked. “Laura designed the rug.”

(Gosh, I don’t know if this represents the nascent stirrings within me of Big Friggin’ Oil Imperialism, or if it’s just the husband in me talking, but if my wife had designed the rug for my office, I’d be proud enough to tell visitors, too.)