C’mon it has been two days. What is wrong with you people?
This could be very interesting. But it will all depend on the water that is used in the brewing process. I assume it is filtered and de-mineralized to the extent possible. The freshness will only amplify any nasty features of the source material.
Having said that, I hope the Olde Mecklenburg Brewery is a big success. It is certainly trying to offer a different product in the form of alt and kolsch styles, both of which have a certain pop and zing when fresh. Your basic Bud Light swilling Uptown yahoo will have no idea what hit them.
Oh, and if anyone from the brewery is listening, two words: Wheat bock. OK, three words: Mmmm, wheat bock.
Update: Here’s my review: It is surely a proper alt. Looks like an ale, tastes like a pils. In fact, perhaps just a tad dry for me, but not by very much. Rich, aley head and bright mouth-feel, no doubt a function of freshness. Would be interested to know the ABV as it seemed light. All-in-all a great start, but with room to grow. The sooner you swing by and pick up a growler the sooner you can make it pay for itself.