A long time ago, members of a former Asheville City Council decided to generate revenue by selling off municipal real estate. One parcel up for RFP/RFQ-ing was the relatively new Taj MaGarage that was fully in use, but another holding that generated interest was a dilapidated two-level parking garage on prime real estate, right across from the civic center. It had been abandoned for a long time, and the mayor referred to it as an “eyesore.”

McKibbon Hotel Group offered to purchase the land, but environmentalists were concerned that construction would fracture features of the nearby basilica, which skyrocketed to fame and historical significance with the protests. They wanted, instead, a park, which would help those cycling around the mercantile center further fight the obesity crisis. Smart-growth density belonged in others’ backyards.

A group of local hoteliers then sued McKibbon, and McKibbon representatives are saying they don’t know exactly why, but whatever the cause, the legal process was sure to hold up construction for a year or so. Reportedly, nobody representing the other hotels or the city could tell McKibbon whaddup. Consequently, McKibbon has dropped its plans to purchase the $2.3 million parcel for taxable activities.