Not long after posting this in reference to UNC’s possible takeover of NC Wesleyan, I encounter this (h.t. JG):
Candidate: Holocaust didn’t happen
… Speaking in an interview with The Associated Press, Darby said he believes no more than 140,000 Jewish people died in Europe during World War II, and most of them succumbed to typhus.
Historians say about 6 million Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis, but Darby said the figure is a false claim of the “Holocaust industry.”
“I am what the propagandists call a Holocaust denier, but I do not deny mass deaths that included some Jews,” Darby said. “There was no systematic extermination of Jews. There’s no evidence of that at all.”
Darby said he will speak today near Newark, N.J., at a meeting of National Vanguard, which bills itself as an advocate for the white race. … Darby, founder of the Atheist Law Center and a longtime supporter of separation of church and state, said he has no money for campaign advertising and has made only a few campaign speeches.
Other Holocaust deniers include the late Prof. Christensen and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.