The Associated Press, in reporting on the detaining of a Venezualan official at JFK, wrote this (emphasis added):
said when one official ordered him to go to another room for a
strip-search, he refused. He told CNN en Espanol that the official
pushed him and yelled at him.
“En Espanol”?? Is this something new in the AP Stylebook?
Maybe soon they’ll start saying that Putin said something “po rooski”
or that Chirac said something “en Francais.” AP really is disintegrating.
Hal Young writes to tell me that “CNN En Espanol” is the
Spanish-language version of CNN, so my criticism is unwarranted.
However, I would suggest that AP find a way to show that this is the
title of a Web channel, like, for instance, capitalizing the whole
thing, as in CNN En Espanol, or putting it in quotes, as in “CNN En