Today, you may hear opponents of the Wake County school board majority champion at-large school board elections.

Two years ago, those same people fought efforts to move to an at-large, rather than district, voting system.

“Why would you change something that complies with the law for something that may not?” said State Rep. Deborah Ross, a Raleigh Democrat opposed to at-large Wake school board elections. “You have an African-American member elected by the people in her district. You would be inviting a challenge.” (N&O, 15 March 2008)

“School board member Lori Millberg argues that at-large elections would allow the wealthiest parts of the county to control every decision on the school board.” (N&O, 15 March 2008)

“School board member Patti Head said “special interests” could gain control because candidates would have to turn to them for help in running more expensive countywide elections.” (N&O, 15 March 2008)

Whenever you hear someone complain that the district voting system is unfair, call them out.