I’ve argued that it isn’t really necessary to dig into the details of ObamaCare to know that it’s moving in the wrong direction — that is, further politicizing that which already suffers from too much political meddling. Nevertheless, I applaud those who are digging into the manure pile to find the worst features of this legislation.
One of them is Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Committee, which has been battling against compulsory unionism since 1955. In this piece in today’s Wall Street Journal, he notes that the current version of ObamaCare (H.R. 3200) gives the Secretary of HHS wide latitude to dictate standards regarding health care workers. As Mix writes, “Ms. Sebelius will be taking her marching orders from the numerous union officials who are guaranteed seats on the various federal panels … charged with recommending health care policies.”
We already know that the Obama regime likes to use its power to reward political allies, especially the unions. The health care initiative will undoubtedly be used in this manner. The workers who will be forced to pay union dues won’t get much, if anything, in return, but that won’t matter. The only way they’ll be able to avoid the dues (used in large measure for politics) will be to quit their jobs.
Pure Obama: reward politically-connected fat cats at the expense of ordinary people.