If you were rich, you would probably like to cruise on down to Raleigh this weekend before gas prices get too high. The honorable Charles Krauthammer (whom I don’t want to disrespect here by calling him The Krautman) is going to be gracing lots of Lockers with his presence at the JLF’s anniversary celebration on Saturday. The show is sold out, but maybe you could use your professional networking skills to have some kind of polite and unobtrusive chance encounter.

You can then make the Raleigh TDA very happy by staying over a couple nights to see the next Shaftesbury Society Luncheon. The presenter is Dr. Adam Smith, who I is-pose is probably one of the few of us to live up to his parents’ expectations. If I am correctly reading into the blurb, he will speak about the woes of current efforts to base consumer protection policy on analytics. And analytics are those creepy algorithms that feed you options shaped by your profile, rather than letting you define your own limits. If I am incorrect, take that as a lesson on how a majestic bureaucrat may also err in interpolation.